This shit is hilarious and awesome. In the new Skateboard Mag issue 64 with Slash on the cover at the satellite there is an article on the Baker/Deathwish Tour. In the article on page 74 there is a photo of my feet. I was hanging out with all the guys at Exodus Skate Shop when they came through Winston-Salem NC it was a huge signing and me and Atiba where having a conversation about the last issue of the magazine that came out and I was telling him that I had a photo in it of Jed Shooter. So we were just talking and I said oh I got to show you my feet and he was like ok whatever. Then when he seen the tattoo he was stoked because the idea of the tattoo design was from the Skateboard Mag they had put out a sticker with the design and the spine artwork was the same design. So I just took the design and changed it around a little. Atiba was pretty stoked so he took a photo of them I never in a million years thought that he would have used it in the article. But he did super stoked on it thanks Atiba. All the guys on that tour were a blast to hangout with.