Reuben Pickle has been calling me for weeks telling me how he has found this full pipe in Winston-Salem. He's like we got to go check this thing out its a water tower that has been turned over on its side. First, question I asked was how big is it?, and then is it possible to do anything in it? He was like yeah yeah its bigger than the full pipes in Raleigh. So at this point I was so stoked for the mission to find this thing clean it out and get some pics. Turns out that this thing is way smaller than the full pipes in Raleigh and way tighter and plus there was a big angle iron structure in the middle. So at this point I don't know what is going to happen or if anything is even possible in this thing. But we said to hell with it this is properly the only full pipe in Winston-Salem that we will ever find so we started cleaning it out. The whole time Reuben is telling me that he thinks he can carve over the bar would I want to shoot a photo of that hell yeah I want to shoot a photo of that. I thought he was crazy I didn't think there was anyway in hell he was going to make because this thing is so tight and at the point to make it over this bar your feet would have to go over vert. But never under estimate Reuben Pickle because he can always make something out of nothing. Big ups on this Reuben this shit was so sick glad I was there to capture it. ENJOY!!!