Camel City home of RJR Tobacco Company better known as Winston-Salem North Carolina has been home to many rippers in it's day such as Neal Hendrix, Brian Howard, SOTY 07 Marc Johnson to name a few. The great thing about everyone that grow up skating in Winston not only skated street but all of them have ramp and transition skills as well, it either came from skating backyard ramps or "EV" Eastern Vert Skate Park I think that's what gave most of the skaters of this area such great style. Still today this hasn't changed. Here are some photos of some Camel City locals doing what they do best ripping everything in there path. Skaters are Eric Reaves, Reuben Pickle, and Sturgil Horn. ENJOY!!

Dude, your photos always blow my mind. I haven't seen a few of these in a while. You're always an inspiration to me man.