Man I had to dig way back in the archive to find this jewel. Justin might have 14 maybe 15 when I shot this photo I was still in college. Next time you see Justin ask about the hair that's right its permed fools full on. I guess this was Justin's first real legit handrail he skated it was crazy no generator head lights from my car lighting up the stairs and landing pitch black at the top tough it was a crazy night for sure. There will definitely be more old Brock photos to come real soon this is the first of many. Big congrats to Justin on all the things he has done this year the debacle video, interviews, ads, covers baby covers, and girls. Check out all the new stuff going on over at deluxe with Justin and the rest of the team Enjoy!!!

hell yeh, blog's lookin good billy. and those stickers are still there, and this rails still gettin killed as ever