About a month or so ago I got to spend about a week with Reuben Pickle and Cameron Keene. It started off as a weekend trip to Raleigh me and Reuben took and that lead into them coming back to Mount Airy and staying with me for a couple of days after we left Raleigh. The whole time we were together Cameron and Reuben keep saying Kitty Cats and Titty Tatts Reuben Pickle and Cameron-Paul Keene 2010 road trip. Then they would MEOW back and fourth at each other for awhile. Needless to say the trip was awesome and funny as hell. Mount Airy ripper Joey Jones came out to ledge spot in town and got down with us one night. The ledge spot was built by Joey and Will Jackson and it's in front of Will's skate shop Canvas so if your ever up this way stop by and skate the ledge or checkout the shop. So here are some of the photos that went down on this trip. ENJOY!!!!!

Reuben_Pickle_Feeble_Grind_Out_ of_ Raleigh



Those sequences are sick man!