Well it's 1:10 in the morning right now..... and this time last saturday I was well on my way getting drunk.....well I was drunk by then at this time.....All I can say is if you weren't there you missed an awesome time.....between the fireworks, moonshine, gun shooting, bonfire, food, beer, throwing stars, burnouts, swap, and great friends and family......It doesn't get any better.....Kyle came down from Baltimore and Jay came up from Flordia with those two alone equals great a time.....I really don't know the last time I had so much fun I mean me and Jay headed out for a little cruise that turned out to be pretty epic I had a blast hauling ass through some back roads and passing cars on double lanes......All in all thanks to everyone that came out last saturday to make it such an awesome time......Tim, Matt, George, Jay, Kyle, Josh, Wesley, Ray, and to the OG's love you all. Here are some of the photos I shot from the BBQ ENJOY!!!!!

Was some of them folks drinking or what?