I shot this sequence not to long ago. And I'm sure if you have been keeping up with what's going on over at Post22 you seen the teaser with this trick in it and you were probably wondering if it really went down. Well it sure did this is just one of the many BANGERS I've shot lately and there are more to come very soon hope you ENJOY!!!! Please comment if you like the new animated sequence layout or not if so I'll keep posting them this way. THANKS


Well we have had some bad weather lately in the Carolina's and it has sucked. But last weekend I headed to Raleigh to make something happen in the cold and rainy days. The rain held out long enough for us to skate Roughneck Nick's Ramp on friday night. It is not complete yet due to the fact that he has to move. The ramp was wet, slick, soggy, and no top layer yet but we made the best of it and had a blast. Thanks Nick for letting us come skate the ramp before you have to move it to its new location. ENJOY!!!


New photo's on Post22 go check them out now along with all the videos he has posted. James loves his new camera and it shows, super stoked on all the new things he's doing and working on keep it up don't fall off. Nice work James.



EASY BGP'S aka Back Ground Props
First thing is your at a spot that no one wants to skate or can't skate but you.
This is where the PROBLEM IS because everyone of the homies is standing around waiting on your ass to get done filming or get the photo in this case we getting both JAHEARDMEH! So after you get the shot and footy you tell all the homies to get in the next shot y'all bout to get some BGP'S, this way they don't feel left out and sometimes you even got to throw in the homies that aren't around like Justin Brock's finger. This way when you get finished and roll to the next spot everyone is feeling good and ready to skate some more and they forgot about standing around in the cold watching you kill it, while wishing they were at a spot they wanted to skate. This is how you handle yours.