YOUGOTTAGETTHAT! is a video that is featuring some of the East Coast's best skaters and their friends. Connor Champion, Mike Peterson, Dan Murphy, Bobby Worrest, Kyle Berard, Gilbert Crockett, Scotty Moore, Ricky Covach, Bob Reynolds, Tyler Tuffy, and last but not least Brett Abramsky all have parts in the video. Not only did Brett and Bob produce the video, but Brett filmed and edited as well. This video is awesome to me its like the East Coast version of the Tilt Mode Army. Through out the whole video they are having a blast skating and filming. To me that's what skating is all about having fun with all your friends that share that one common interest riding a skateboard. YOUGOTTAGETTHAT! is the follow up video of WHATHADHAPPENWUZ! so if you don't have either videos I suggest picking them both up. Can wait to see what TF Productions comes out with next. Both of these tricks below I shot can be seen in Brett's and Scotty's parts in the video. I'm really stoked on this video and all my friends skating nice work guys. Also check The Skateboard Mag issue's 73 and 74 issue 73 has an interview with Dan Murphy in it and issue 74 has a write up on the video and a sick photo of Brett in it. ENJOY!!!


Shot this photo Justin Brock a little while back in between the snow storms we were having you know we would all catch a few nice days in between and this was one of them. I tried my best to show how gnarly this spot was in this photo its "crazy", the bank is steep, rough, got ollie up on the curb at mach 3 speed, not to mention the flat bar is tall, traffic lots of traffic, because you start in the road and when come back into the bank your right back into traffic again. So the risk of getting hit by a car is high for sure. Not only is this spot all of these things but right where Justin was starting down the hill was in front of Willy's Bar which is pretty much the HELL's ANGEL's BAR and hangout. So while waiting for traffic and trying to get the trick a handful of what I'm guessing were HA's come out of the bar to see what's going on. They all get full into what's going down with beers in hand they yell GO GO GET IT GET IT MOUTHERFUCKER. So ENJOY!!!! because those guys did watching this go down.


If you were wondering who the guy was that opens up issue 20 over at post 22 with that tall 50-50 on that handrail its none other than Drew Hanner NC's best kept secret. Drew's skating speaks for itself. ENJOY!!!!

